Classified Job Openings...
Welcome to our Job Openings site. We appreciate that you are interested in becoming a member of our organization. Blackwater Community School offeres a very competitive salary and other health benefits. If you are interested to be a prt of our organization and a team of committed educators, please feel free to download and fill-out the Employment Application from the links below, our HR department will keep your application active for atleast six months.
You may contact HR Office directly by calling (520)215-5859 and ask for Ms. Peggy Huff. Her secure fax line number is: 1-800-507-5310.
Check-Out our Salary Schedule (pdf)
Current Openings SY 2014-15:
Our schoool has an immediate opening in the HR departement . Please contact Charlene Benneman at (520)215-5859 at ext. 802 for more information.
Download/Print Employment Application (pdf)
Addendum to employment application (must be notarized)-(pdf)
Please make sure you are submitting all the required paperwork to the HR department before being considered Invited for Employment Interview.
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