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Treatment: The Iowa Department of Public Health recommends a 14-day
                  FACTS ABOUT                                  treatment process. You may use over-the-counter products. They are safe

                                                               and not costly. Mark your calendar to help you keep track of treatment.

                                                                                                               14 Day Treatment Guidelines

     89+                                                                                Lice at various
       What does head lice look like? Since                                             stages of their           The treatment days are scheduled to
                                                                                                                   interrupt the lifecycle of the insect. A nit
       adult lice are the size of a sesame seed                                         life cycle                 comb should be used to comb the hair and
       (2-3mm), head lice can be seen by the                                                                       can be bought at most pharmacies.
       human eye. They live in human hair, draw                                                                   Day 1: Use an over-the-counter medicated
       blood from the skin, and lay eggs (called                                                                   head-lice shampoo containing pyrethrin or
       nits) on the hair shaft. Live nits are found                   Treatment Calendar                           permethrin. Read and follow all directions
       less than 1/2 inch from the scalp and most                                                                  on the shampoo.
       often on hair at the back of the head in the                 Day 1                Day 8                    Day 2: COMB hair carefully for 15 minutes
       neck region. Some children with lice                    Medicated            Shampoo, condition             from the scalp to the end of the hair. Do not
       complain of itchiness but many have no                  shampoo              and COMB                       wash hair today.
       symptoms.                                                                                                  Days 3-9: Wash the hair using your regular
       Is your child at risk? Yes. Head lice will                   Day 2                Day 9                     shampoo. Rinse. Apply hair conditioner to
                                                                                                                   make the hair slippery. COMB the hair the
       spread as long as children play together.               COMB only            Shampoo, condition             entire length from the scalp to end of hair.
       They spread almost completely through                   DO NOT WASH          and COMB                       Wipe the comb between each stroke with a
       human hair to hair contact, and pets do                      Day 3                Day 10                    paper towel, which removes any lice or nits.
       not spread lice. Anyone can get head lice.                                                                  Keep hair wet while combing. COMB all hair
       Children in child care, preschools,                     Shampoo, condition   Medicated                      for at least 15 minutes.
                                                               and COMB
       elementary or middle schools are at risk.                                                                  Day 10: Use an over-the-counter medicated
       Head lice are NOT a sign of being dirty.                     Day 4                Day 11                    head-lice shampoo. (to kill any lice that
       Head lice are not dangerous and DO                                                                          hatched since the previous medication use)
       NOT spread diseases.                                    Shampoo, condition   COMB only                      Read and follow all directions on the
                                                               and COMB             DO NOT WASH                    shampoo.
       What can you do? Parents are the key to                                                                    Day 11: COMB hair carefully for at least 15
       looking for and treating head lice! The                      Day 5                Day 12                    minutes from the scalp to the end of the
       Iowa Department of Public Health advises                Shampoo, condition   Shampoo, condition             hair. Do not wash hair today.
       parents to spend 15 minutes each week                   and COMB             and COMB
       on each child carefully looking for head lice                                                            Days 12-14: Wash the hair using regular
                                                                                                                   shampoo. Rinse. Apply hair conditioner to
       or nits. Persons with nits within ¼ inch of                  Day 6               Day 13                     make the hair slippery. COMB the hair the
       the scalp OR live lice should be treated.               Shampoo, condition   Shampoo, condition             entire length from the scalp to the end of
       Careful use of a nit comb can potentially               and COMB             and COMB                       hair. Wipe the comb between each stroke
       remove all lice. Each child should have his                                                                 with a paper towel, which removes any lice
       or her own comb or brush. Teach your                         Day 7                Day 14                    or nits. Keep hair wet while combing.
                                                                                                                   COMB all hair for at least 15 minutes.
       child NOT to share hats, scarves, brushes,              Shampoo, condition   Shampoo, condition
       combs, and hair fasteners.                              and COMB             and COMB
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