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School Health Services


             * First Aid: Heat Illness: Heat exhaustion starts slowly, but if it's not quickly
             treated it can progress to heatstroke. In heatstroke, a person's temperature reaches 105°F (40.5°C)
             or higher. Heatstroke requires immediate emergency medical care and can be fatal.

             *Signs and Symptoms

              Of heat exhaustion:                                Of heatstroke:

              * increased thirst                                 *severe headache
              * weakness                                         * weakness, dizziness
              * fainting                                         * confusion
              * muscle cramps                                    * rapid breathing and heartbeat
              * nausea and vomiting                              * loss of consciousness leading to coma
              * irritability                                     * seizures
              * headache                                         * may not be sweating
              * increased sweating
              * cool, clammy skin                                * flushed, hot, dry skin
              * elevation of body temperature, but to less than   * elevation of body temperature to 105°F (40.5°C)
              105°F (40.5°C)                                     or higher
             *What to Do

             If your child has symptoms of heatstroke, seek emergency medical care immediately. In cases of heat
             exhaustion or while awaiting help for a child with possible heatstroke:
             Bring the child indoors or into the shade immediately.
             Undress the child.

             Have the child lie down; elevate feet slightly.
             If the child is alert, place in cool bath water. If outside, spray the child with mist from a garden hose.
             If the child is alert and coherent, give frequent sips of cool, clear fluids.
             If the child is vomiting, turn onto his or her side to prevent choking.

             *Think Prevention!

             Teach kids to always drink plenty of fluids before and during any activity in hot, sunny weather —
             even if they aren't thirsty.
             Make sure kids wear light-colored, loose clothing in warm weather.
             Don't let kids participate in heavy activity outdoors during the hottest hours of the day.
             Teach kids to come indoors immediately whenever they feel overheated.

               Note: All information on KidsHealth® is for educational purposes only
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