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 GRHC Coronavirus Hotline at (520) 550-6079
                                           HEAL TH ALERT
                                                NO VEL CORONAVIRUS (CO VID-19)

                                                    How Long Do Coronaviruses*

                                                                Live On Surfaces?

                       SURFACE                                      EXAMPLES                                         DAYS OR HOURS

                        Metal                           Doorknobs, Jewelry, Silverware                                    5 DAYS

                        Glass                        Drinking glasses, Mirrors, Windows                               UP TO 5 DAYS

                      Ceramics                               Dishes, Pottery, Mugs                                        5 DAYS

                        Paper                               Newspaper, Magazines                                      UP TO 5 DAYS

                        Wood                                   Furniture, Decking                                         4 DAYS

                       Plastics                    Milk bottles, Bus seats, Elevator buttons                             2-3 DAYS

                   Stainless Steel              Refrigerators, Pots/pans, Sinks, Water bottles                           2-3 DAYS

                     Cardboard                                   Shipping boxes                                            1 DAY

                     Aluminum                          Soda cans, Tinfoil, Water bottles                                2-8 HOURS

                       Copper                           Pennies, Teakettles, Cookware                                    4 HOURS

                    Food/Water                        Doesn’t seem to spread through food and  has not been found in water.

                             WHAT YOU CAN DO: Disinfect all surfaces and objects in your home daily with a household cleaning
                             spray or wipe. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water, especially after visiting the
                             supermarket or bringing in packages.

                  *Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that includes the SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This information is for your reference only and is
                  changing constantly. Sources: CDC.FDA. Medical Review: Brunilda Nazario, MD. 03/24/2020.

                          Gila River Indian Community CRISIS HOTLINE: 1-800-259-3449
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