2nd Quarter: Principal's Honor Roll Recpients...

Congrats to Students & Parents...

Our Schoolwide Title I Program...

Title I Parental Involvement at Our School... (download a copy of the Policy)

Our Mission Statement: "Quality Education Begins Here"

Goals of our Title I Program:

•Increase academic achievement for ALL students
•Provide Quality, timely and effective professional development to our staff
•Promote parental engagement

A Title I school means we receive funding to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for:
•Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students meet the State’s challenging content standards.
•Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies
•Conducting Parental Involvement Meetings/Trainings/Activities
•Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers

Requirements of a Title I School
•At least 40% low income student population
•Conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (Strengths and Priority Areas to Improve)
• Design and implement a Continuous School Improvement Plan
•Conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the Schoolwide Program

Parental Support....

Parents/Guardians.., Just as you count on our school, we count on you for your continuing support..There is plenty of research indicating when parents are involved students have:
•Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
•Better school attendance
•Increased motivation, better self-esteem

We invite you to ask your child’s teacher what you can do to help support your child’s education! You may also visit with the school principal to receive more information on how you can contribute to the success of all BWCS Eagles !


Please Contact School at (520)215-5859 to:
•Ask for meetings and trainings
•Review the results of the annual parent involvement effectiveness survey
•Make suggestions for Title I funding
•Review the school’s achievement data
•Attend parent involvement events throughout the school year

Our School curriculum is aligned to the Arizona Standards. Title I Research-Based Assessment System lends itself to a data-based decision making process, high quality professional development, and the implementation of research- based instructional strategies to ensure the academic achievement of all children. Title I also requires that instruction be provided by highly qualified staff and that strategies are included to increase parental involvement.

Parents' Right to Know...



2nd Quarter: Principal's Honor Roll Recpients...

Congrats to Students & Parents...


"We do academics best"

A Performing School

Community Culture an integral part of the core curriculum

dedicated and caring Staff

Visionary Leadership

...and much more