2nd Quarter: Principal's Honor Roll Recpients...

Congrats to Students & Parents...

Our Local School Wellness Policy (LSWP)...

Blackwater Community School/Akimel O'Otham Pee Posh Charter School Inc. Wellness Policy focuses on improving students’ health and well-being which includes offering healthy food choices and encouraging physical activity. School districts that participate in the USDA Child Nutrition Programs are required to maintain a Local Wellness Policy.

Our School invites interested employees, parents, students and community members to participate in the development, implementation, review and update of the Our Local Wellness Policy. Please contact Jack Sharma for more information. Jagdish.Sharma@bwcs.k12.az.us

Other Related Information:

The National School Lunch Program is a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Through this program, eligible students may be offered free or reduced-price meals. Meal applications are distributed to every student at the school at the beginning of the school year. Application information will remain confidential and will be used only to determine eligibility for free or reduced-priced meals. Applications are also available at our school office. Please contact Ms. Ofelia Inurriaga or Ms. Robin Settle at (520)215-5859 for more information.

2nd Quarter: Principal's Honor Roll Recpients...

Congrats to Students & Parents...


"We do academics best"

A Performing School

Community Culture an integral part of the core curriculum

dedicated and caring Staff

Visionary Leadership

...and much more